
Tuesday, September 28, 2010


For children to do well in Geometry, they need to develop spatial visualization skills. This means that they have to mentally see plane and solid shapes in different orientation, and do not depend on what they actually see on paper or on the computer monitor. The goal of geometry is to help  students understand the properties and dynamics of space, shape, size, proportions etc so that they can be applied to practical real-life experiences such as identifying the related properties in a structural design class and for future construction knowledge. My school does not have tangram sets to teach children Geometry. However I felt that it is essential to begin these attribute blocks to children when they are in pre-school level. It lays the basic foundation of introducing all kinds of shapes to children.

Geoboards are  also an excellent hands-on manipulative tool for discovering the concepts of shapes, angles, measurement, area, and perimeter. 

1. Making shapes

Give each child a geoboard and a large elastic band and a picture of a square and have the students try and make one on with their elastic and geoboard.
Don't assume that this is easy for all students, some need you to guide their hands to begin with. Do this activity with various shapes and teach vocabulary, such as triangle, square, rectangle, corners and sides as the children form the shapes.

2. Copying pictures

Give children dotted paper (same number of dots as geoboard) with shapes drawn on them. With this kindergarten activity the students try and reproduce the pictures.
 IT lesson on Right Angle
Different angles

Introduction for Regular Pentagon Angle measures:
              Any plane figure which is enclosed by its sides are said to be a polygon. There are different kinds of polygon. Basically, the polygons are named on the basis of it number of sides. Any polygon which possess 5 sides are said to be a pentagon. If all the sides and the angle measures of a pentagon are equal, then it is said to be a regular pentagon. The angle measures of any polygon is basically classified into 2 types. They are the exterior and interior angles. In this article, we shall discuss about the regular pentagon angle measures.
Interior Angle Measures for a Regular Pentagon:
Normally, the interior angle measures of a regular polygon can be obtained by using the formula,
180(n) - 360
  where n is the number of sides of the regular polygon.
  The number of sides for a pentagon is 5.
  We can substitute n = 5 in the formula to determine the interior angle measures of a pentagon.
             = 180(5) - 360
        = 900 - 360
= 540

Therefore the interior angle measures of a regular pentagon is 108°.
Sum of interior angle measures of a regular pentagon:
   The sum of interior angle of any polygon can be obtained by using the formula.
                                                            180(n - 2)
   where n is the number of sides of a regular polygon.
   We can substitute n = 5 to determine the sum of interior angle measures of a regular  
                 = 180(5 - 2)
                 = 180(3)
                 = 540°

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